Consuming time

Consuming time is one of the sub projects in Us and them (VODA).

The project addresses the issue of not taking part of consumption hysteria – about choosing time instead of money. Anna lives alone with her three children in a small village in Västerbotten, Sweden. She works three days a week and the rest of the time she struggles to be self-sufficient, growing vegetables and raising chickens. Anna will contribute to VODA by exhibiting her paintings.

The work was exhibited in Sune Jonsson Centre for Dokumentary Photography, Umeå, Sweden, december-january 2014.

Us and them (VODA)

Who sees and who is seen? ”Us and them” (VODA) is a collaborative documentary project, depicting life from two perspectives: from the outside through the professional photographer’s eyes, and from the inside through the eyes of those who the story is about. We ask ourselves who portrays whom, who owns the story, who tells the story of our contemporary reality and how is it told? In this way we want to question the division of people into ”us and them”. The photographers participating in the project are Elin Berge, David Dahlberg, Alexandra Ellis, Malin Grönborg, Johan Gunséus, Sara Lindquist, Linda Thompson and Lars Öberg.